July 10, 2007

Fried Bananas in an Orange Caramel Desert

Orange Bananas Desert
Here is a real quick and real easy dessert to cook up. All you need is some bananas
Dark Sugar
Raw Sugar
Ice cream or cream

Start by grating the zest of 2 oranges, then squeeze the juice outta them also.

Melt a great hunk of butter in a decent pan ( about 50 or 100 grams, I guess)

Lightly dust the bananas in the flour

Place bananas into pan for about 5 mins on a low heat.

Pour the sugar into the pan over the bananas ( about a handful each )

Allow the sugar to melt and then once it starts to caramelize ( you'll see it bubbling ) pour the orange juice into the pan along with the orange peel.

Allow the sauce to thicken - add a splash or too of some cooking brandy, not too early mind, you dont want to evaporate the alcohol all away...

It should take about 15 mins or so.

Add to a pan, pour sauce over top, add icecream to taste and enjoy.

NB : the maid or wife can clean the mess now.

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