March 10, 2008

Cricket in Myanmar 2007 - the return trip!

This time it was a 3 way tournament, SIngapore/Phuket combined team (AKA whining sooky sooky lala's), Siam CC and Irrawaddy CC.

we came 2nd....

March 06, 2008

Off to Burma again to play cricket, almost thwarted by bladdy Indo traffic!

This weekend I am playing cricket and golf in Burma with the SiamCC. Now two years ago when i flew there to play cricket I missed 2 flights and ended up paying for multiple tickets to get there, much to the amusement of my mates.

So I didnt want to miss any flights again this time. I ducked out of work early, left home at 4.30pm (that's leaving an hour and a half plus the two hours early at the airport... plenty of time! .... one would think ! )

Peak hour traffic in Jkt sucks big time! Even more so if you have a flat tire!

flight leaves at 19.50 - 2 hours from now! and we are still an hour from the airport, with a flat, so we had to leave the tollway! and stop to fix it.

Easier said than done,

I had to show the driver how to use the jack,

then which way to twist the wheel nuts, then which way to use the lever to get the wheel nuts off!


some other random guy come and helped also! In all the process took 30 mins!

and then the spare was bladdy flat also!

so we then had to drive futher to find a stall selling compressed air, fortunately we did, I got to the airport at 7.10 - check in was closed.

Fortunately, they opened when they saw me and allowed me to board.