September 25, 2006

my garden needs work... ideas ?

just moved into a new house in indonesia, but the garden is somewhat sparse....

in fact one could say pretty grim....

i've started to add a few plants ... but been takning my time to figure out how best to do it...

and some wind chimes

how else can i improve it??


Anonymous said...

Move house perhaps?


Anonymous said...

Is the cage to keep people out or to keep you in?


Anonymous said...

Quote by liam
"i've started to add a few plants"

Fek me mate. They're not exactly turning your patch into a tropical paradise are they? Get some big fuck-off pots with palms and big stuff (6ft).


Anonymous said...

Should change the title to "the bit of concrete outside my house needs some colour".


Anonymous said...

i was thinking abt painting that wall like the eyetalians and greeks do in melbourne courtyards....

something like this

liam said...

i already added some soil to fill in those cinder blocks.....

BBQ to go in the corner near the maids kitchen door...

and obviously needs lots of green plants and stuff

Anonymous said...

What about the wire of the surrounding cage?


liam said...

i was thinkking of growing some plants that have hanging flowers.....

but dont wanna make it too dark....

Anonymous said...

I agree, big pots and big plants but seeing how you can access the soil under the cinder blocks you could try to grow a creeper up the wall and over the cage. You can always cut it back if it gets too much. Don't let it get under your eaves though.

The front looks ok, Get lots of plants and put in a reticulation system so it won't die if you are away or forget to water it. (I realise your maid would be a good reticulation system!) I put in some misters that are great to cool the place down.


liam said...

already got some creepers happening - in pots tho....

misters - now thats a bloody good idea......cheers.

Anonymous said...

Hey Willy, I could do that, but it would be better to paint it with just all lush tropical foliage. You could commission me for an airfare to Indonesia.


liam said...

Originally Posted by Lily

"Hey Willy, I could do that, but it would be better to paint it with just all lush tropical foliage. You could commission me for an airfare to Indonesia. "

but are yer any good ??

send me ur portfolio and i'll consider it........

Anonymous said...

willy, what exactly do you plan or hope to do in your backyard? Will you spend much time there? Or is it a place to hide stuff?

Your answers will help us figure out what to do with the backyard!


liam said...

will and do spend some time in it - i hope to change it from a depressing jail cell to an oasis of greenery and comfort.

(well add a few plants etc)

Anonymous said...

My suggestions. In one of the corners i would take up the concrete blocks and plant some greenery. Maybe a fern or two you can always trim. Put the benches in the middle with a few potted plants.

You can always plant a climbing vine and even though it can take over, you can always trim it back. This way you can have shade and yet allow the sun to shine.

The idea of painting the walls is a good one.

My final suggestion? Just get started and see what happens. Remember a garden is a work of art in progress...


Anonymous said...

Originally Posted by HB
Remember a garden is a work of art in progress...

Beautifuly poetic, mate.


liam said...

I'm inspired to get working this weekend....

hang on AFL Grand Final saturday and then ARL GRand Final Sunday .....

guess i wont be doing anything else then ....

liam said...

actually - looks like i'm gonna take D's advice .....


found a new place - MUCH bigger and no jail cell for a back yard.

that kills this thread then - i was gonna treat you all to the master work in progess....